Monday, February 24, 2014

My Experience with Marina Natural Beauty for 24h Moisturizing Challenge

Cuaca yang sering tidak menentu membuat kulitku menjadi kering dan butuh kelembaban ekstra. 
Hari ini aku diajak oleh pacarku untuk nge date! Yaa..kita akan pergi mengunjungi leisure park terbaru di Bandung bernama Dusun Bambu. Karena ini adalah acara nge date, tentunya aku harus mempersiapkan diri sebaik mungkin dong.. dan untungnya ada Marina Natural yang siap melindungi kulitku selama 24 jam! Hebat bukan?! Aku tidak perlu takut pacarku komplain mengenai masalah kulitku. Karena selain rich moisturizing Marina Natural protects & cares 24 hour sehingga membuat kulit kita smooth & glow! Yipiiieee…

Aku memilih Marina Natural  Protects & Cares yang berwarna pink perpaduan dari buah Apel dan Red Poppy dengan kandungan Natural Protection Complex sehingga dapat melindungi kulitku dari pengaruh cuaca yang buruk. Dilengkapi juga dengan Sunscreen yang membantu melindungi kulitku hingga lapisan terdalam dari paparan sinar matahari yang cukup eksrim akhir-akhir ini. Pokoknya all in one banget deh pakai Marina! :D

Doggie ku Chaca sampai betah berlama-lama di pangkuan ku karena mommy nya wangi pakai Marina Natural 24h Nourished & Healthy hihihi..

Sesampainya di Dusun Bambu cuaca dingin sekali karena hujan. Kami berkeliling dan menikmati pemandangan pedesaan. Dusun Bambu menyediakan mobil pick up untuk mengantar kita ke tempat tujuan karena jalannya menanjak dan terlebih cuaca tidak mendukung untuk berjalan kaki karena hujan. Sesampainya ditempat saya dan pacar saya tertarik dengan oleh-oleh tradisional seperti topi petani, payung kertas, sarung batik, mainan jadul (jaman dulu), jajanan pasar dan lain sebagainya. Tidak lupa kami pun sedikit narsis untuk foto-foto :p

Lucu banget yah pacarku pakai topi tentara jaman dulu :p

Setelah cape berkeliling kami sedikit kelaparan dan memutuskan untuk makan di café Burangrang. 

Kami memesan hot chocolate dan pisang goreng keju. Hmm..sungguh nikmat rasanya! Cuaca dingin minum yang hangat-hangat ditemani dengan pisang goreng keju.

Dan yang lebih hebatnya kulit pun masih terasa lembut dan glowing berkat Marina Natural! I love you Marina..

Klo begini caranya aku bisa bebas berekspresi dan foto-foto dimana saja. Aku jadi makin bersemangat! Cepat-cepat kuhabiskan makanan ku dan mengajak pacarku untuk berkeliling lagi. Kami bermain ayunan dan naik perahu di danau buatan. Sungguh pengalaman yang begitu berkesan sekali.

Tidak terasa hari sudah mulai gelap dan kami harus menyudahi acara untuk hari ini. Terima kasih Marina Natural 24h Protects & Cares. Marina benar-benar terbukti melindungi kulit cantik selama 24 jam.  

Apakah kamu juga  ingin mencoba tantangan dari Marina Natural 24h Beauty Challenge?
Ikut kuisnya yuu klik disini dan dapatkan pengalaman mu bersama dengan Marina Natural !

: The Prize :
Weekly Winner
Voucher MAP @500.000 + Beauty Box Marina untuk 10 pemenang mingguan (Periode selama bulan Februari)

Grand Prize
2 pemenang utama bakal jadi icon Beauty Blogger Marina and also win these :
- Macbook
- Ikut video-shoot bareng inspiring blogger Clara Devi
- Get privileges to all Marina Beauty Trip events

So, tunggu apa lagi! Buktikan sendiri dan rasakan pengalaman kulit cantik bersama dengan Marina Natural 24h Beauty Challenge!

Good luck,

Friday, February 21, 2014

OOTD When I Was a Kid

Hai everyone! 

Today I wanna talk about OOTD but OOTD when I was a kid..
Have you ever did OOTD when you were a child?
No realize all would had of childhood memories photo album. So have I..
The unique thing is my mom loved to take pictures of me and my brother. 
Maybe why I love photography is transmitted from my mom. 
Until today I was delighted when being photographed. It has been trained since childhood :)

Let's see the picture!

I know definitely my mom had me did a pose like this! hahaha..
She was like my fashion stylist that day. My mom was pairing floral top with legging and black ribbon flat shoes. I love ribbon! My mom knows me so well since I was a kid. Love you mom!
This outfit is very comfortable for hanging out to the swimming pool with family :)

I remember my mom took this picture before I was going to church with my favorite doll. Plaid dress comparing with my comfortable sneakers and simple sling bag. This is so me! Ready attended Sunday school, let's go!

This picture took when I was celebrate my 1st birthday party at my grandparent's house. I love the rabbit shoes.. I wonder how can I posed like that? I am just 1 year old! Hahahaha..

All of bellow pictures is not taking by my mom. My mom took me and my brother to studio photography named "Singawalang". I remember I had to followed the instruction by the photographer and there was a stylist too who picked outfit I had to wear. Adorable right?

I always laugh to my self when I see this picture. My mom is amazing! She spared her busy time for done this photoshoot. 

 What a cutie pose!? This called vintage meet retro I think :)

These are all memories, memories that will not be forgotten until I die. Thank you my mom for making me stylist since I was a kid until now. My mom is my fashion stylist!

Thank you for reading my fashion post. I hope you enjoy!
See you in another post!

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

God With Me (sharing)

Today I have a strange experienced..

I was already had an appointment with my dentist for wisdom teeth surgery today at 11.00. At first feeling I felt fear at the moment (if possible I want to run away!) but the doctor said calm to me and stay relaxed.

The doctor explained that the condition of my wisdom teeth (through x-rays) is not growing normal and it is very disturbing my activity lately. My head was dizzy often because of the tooth root pressing my nerve. I felt dizzy if I stand for a long time and made me nauseous ( feeling about to vomit).

After getting an injection of anesthetic, the operation began. No pain at all. I just heard the sound tok tok tok and drilling tools. All I do was praying to God and singing in my heart (worship His name).

Until finally around 13:00, I felt an incredible sense of creeping spread to my chest. I raised my hand as instruction by the doctor, if there is pain immediately raised your hand. I felt an incredible pain in my chest! Totally!

I was difficult to breathe! I want to cry because it happened sudden. Felt bad and I am not comfortable at all with my body. I don't know what's wrong. Doctors also may feel same way. Doctors felt panicked and told me to try breathing through my nose slowly. My mind is a mess, I started coughing. It was like going to die!

The room began to spin in my head. Seeing the doctor was out of focus.
Oh my God .. If I was going to DIE here?

That's what on my mind at that time. I started looking for my boyfriend who was waiting at the doctor's desk. I'm sure he was definitely panicked seeing me like that. But he doesn't want to see panic because it will make doctors more panic again. Tightness has not been disappear. Cold sweat began to appear.
Yes .. I got sweat and my feet cold. Suffering at the time ..

The doctor gave a sweet tea and after that turning my head with down position. Maybe it's possible for good blood circulation and flowing into my head. Not to long the creeping slowly disappeared. My spinning head also started returning to normal. The doctor said what I was able to do surgery again or not? I said yes but my doctor can not believe in me. 
Finally the doctor sewed my gums and recommend that the surgery will postponed until next week until my condition improved.

What I want to share here is that I was so grateful that the Lord still loves MELISA MORGAN. 

Suffering just disappear. I can't imagine what happened when I didn't pray to God asked guidance last night and before surgery. 

Maybe in your opinion, dental surgery is a small operation but it can be dangerous too. We will never know what will happen with our life every time. 

I am lucky to have a God who always keeps me up until this moment. I never felt grateful like this way. God must be have a plan for what I have through today. 
Hopefully this story can bless you all and the operation can go through smoothly next week. 

Thank you <3

Friday, February 7, 2014

Gogirl! Magazine Anniversary Sweater Mix and Match Instagram Quiz

Hai everyone..
Have you bought Gogirl! Magazine 9th Birthday issue?
Ikutan kuis nya yuk!..

Caranya :
1. Beli Gogirl! Magazine edisi Februari 2014 sold with Gogirl Sweater as merchandise.

2. Upload foto kamu menggunakan sweater Gogirl tersebut di Instagram.
3. Beri hashtag #GG9thBDAY dan mention @gogirlmagz.

* oopsie! wind blow my bangs :p

5 (lima) foto dengan mixmatch paling keren bakal dapetin Voucher belanja MAP @Rp. 250.000,-
Menarik kan?

So tunggu apalagi, beli Gogirl! sekarang juga trus upload foto keren kamu di Instagram menggunakan sweater Gogirl!

*Batas waktu upload 28 Februari 2014

Good Luck

: Outfit :

Sweater : Gogirl!
Dress : Balenciaga
Blazer : BCBG MaxAzria
Shoes : Staccato
Clutch : Thomas Wylde
Bracelet : no brand
Makeup : MORGAN Makeup
Photographer : Ferdian S.K